Portal do Governo Brasileiro
The Economic History Workshop is an international event organized by a group of professors from institutions of different countries. Created in 2013, the event gathers and debates works of economical and historical analysis that intensively use primary sources, both quantitative and qualitative, regardless of the period and the topics covered.

In this edition only six works were selected, and one of them is from Luiz Mateus da Silva Ferreira, professor from the Department of Economic Sciences (Deeco) at Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). He presented his doctoral dissertation, defended in 2019, which explores land occupation by foreign immigrants in the region of Joinville, in the Brazilian province of Santa Catarina.

The event took place on August 28th, by videoconference, with support of Insper, one of the main educational institutions in the area of ​​economics in Brazil.