Portal do Governo Brasileiro

The UFOP International Relations Office (Diretoria de Relações Internacionais - DRI) welcomed on August 4 and 5 three faculty members from the Universidad de Atacama (Chile) for a visit to UFOP and the city of Ouro Preto. The members who visited the University were Dr. Ana Rivera, Department of Metallurgical Engineering Director, Dr. Alexis Guzmán, Research and Development Director of Engineering Faculty Strategic Plan called "FIUDA 2030", and Metallurgical Engineering Master Program Coordinator, and Dr. Diego Nascimento, Department of Mathematics undergraduate and graduate programs professor in UFOP. 


The goals of this visit were to strengthen the cooperation agreement with UFOP, seek for good practices in terms of spreading undergraduate and graduate programs, R&D research and programs, and identify the joint possibilities and activities, focusing on research from Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, and Metallurgical Engineering.  


On August 4, the Universidad de Atacama delegation visited the International Relations Office and then it was welcomed by the Rector Cláudia Marliére at UFOP Rectory. The meeting had also the participation of the UFOP Vice-Rector, Hermínio Arias Nalini Júnior, the Director of International Relations Office, Jaqueline Schultz, the Coordinator of International Agreements and Mobility, Anderson Gamarano, and the Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Innovation, Thiago Cazati. After the meeting, the faculty members could visit the Museu da Inconfidência.


On August 5, the delegation visited the School of Mines in the Historic Center, and could also visit the Museu de Mineralogia and Museu de Ciência e Técnica. The faculty members from the Universidad de Atacama were welcomed by the School of Mines Director and Vice-director, José Alberto Naves Cocota Júnior and Cláudio Eduardo Lana, and also by the technical staff responsible for the Museums, Daniela de Oliveira Pereira and Anderson Vital Sales. The visit was also guided by Department of Geology Vice-Head, Maria Augusta Gonçalves Fujaco, the Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources Graduate Program Coordinator, Isaac Daniel Rudnitzki, and the School of Mines Legal Representative in the Permanent Internationalization Committee (Comissão Permanente de Internacionalização - CPInter), Karla Boaventura Pimenta Palmieri. 


While visiting the Morro do Cruzeiro Campus, starting with the Department of Mining Engineering, prof. Ana Rivera made a presentation about the Universidad de Atacama, focusing on the Faculty of Engineering, which offers programs and develops research in areas similar to the ones in UFOP School of Mines.

The Universidad de Atacama faculty members visited the laboratories in the Department of Mining Engineering, Department of Geology, Department of Metallurgy and Materials and Vale Technological Institute, and they also could discuss with the coordinators, faculty members, and technical staff from the Mining Engineering, Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources, Material and Instrumentation Engineering, and Control and Automation of Mining Processes Graduate Programs, along with the coordination of EMBRAPII-UFOP Unit. Besides visiting the laboratories, the Universidad de Atacama faculty members went to the Agreement Coordination (Coordenadoria de Convênios - CCON) and the Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Núcleo de Inovação Tecnológica e Empreendedorismo - NITE) to seek for good practices related to the project development.



In December 2021, UFOP signed a cooperation agreement with Universidad de Atacama, which allows the mobility of faculty members, students, and technical staff and other joint activities among all the related areas between both institutions. From the visit of Chilean faculty members, it was identified the possibilities of joint activities, such as research development, Portuguese and Spanish language course offers, exchange of materials between the UFOP Museu de Mineralogia and the Universidad de Atacama Museu de Mineralogia, and also the academic mobility between both institutions.