Portal do Governo Brasileiro

On Wednesday, November 9, UFOP welcomed representatives from Dutch universities for an official visit. Among the visitors, there were the researcher of Biobased Energy and Resources' Living Lab Biobased Brazil Program, Jappe de Best (Avans University of Applied Sciences), and the Professors Marliene Bos (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), Gino van Strijdonck (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), Iarima Silva Mendonça (HZ University of Applied Sciences), Benno de Vries (Avans University of Applied Sciences), Jack Doormenik (Avans University of Applied Sciences), and Phoebus Panigyrakis (HZ University of Applied Sciences). 

During their stay, the representatives could visit various UFOP facilities, such as the Civil Construction, Construction Materials, Electron Microscopy, Technological and Environmental Chemistry, Phytotechnology Laboratories, and the UFOP Multi-user Laboratory. Professor Jack Doormenik could also visit some of the Institute of Exact and Applied Sciences (Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Aplicadas - ICEA) laboratories, at João Monlevade Campus. 

Taking into account the impossibility of the Dutch colleagues to go to São João del Rei during this mission in Minas Gerais, some Professors from the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ) joined the tour at UFOP, what made the activities even more interesting. The Professors were: Renan Fernandes Bastos, Cristiane Medina Finzi Quintão, Keyller Bastos Borges, Maíra Nicolau de Almeida, Victor Augusto Araújo de Freitas, and Liliane Sade.

During the morning, the visitors were accompanied by UFOP Professors Leandro Vinícius Alves Gurgel, Bruno Eduardo Lobo Baeta, Sérgio Francisco de Aquino, Orlando David Henrique dos Santos, Júlia Castro Mendes (remotely), Renan Fernandes Bastos, and Edgar Gregory Torres Saravia, besides the PhD students from the Civil Engineering Graduate Program, Bruna Almada, Fernanda Elói, Vanessa Pereira, and Marina Altoé.

The afternoon was reserved for the presentations about the research projects of each one of the Dutch visitors, as well as the presentations of some students who participated in an internship through the program: the foreign student Hannah Beyer (Avans University of Applied Sciences), who is currently at UFOP, and the student Luiz Henrique Lopes Rigotto, who had been at HZ University of Applied Sciences at the first semester of this year.

The main purpose of the visit was to present to the visitors the projects developed at the university, providing discussions that could identify possibilities of cooperation with UFOP. The expectation is that this reunion strengthens the partnerships between the university and the Dutch representatives, aiming to create more internationalization and exchange opportunities to be offered under the Living Lab Biobased Brazil Program.