Portal do Governo Brasileiro

Where is it? The municipality of Ouro Preto is in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, in the southeast region of Brazil, and has about 70 thousand inhabitants (2010 census), distributed among its 12 rural districts and central downtown.

How to get there? There are bus companies that run regular and direct buses to the country’s three major cities: Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, about 100 km away from Ouro Preto; São Paulo, about 600 km in distance, and Rio de Janeiro, about 420 km away. There are regular buses every hour between Ouro Preto and Belo Horizonte. The trip lasts about 1 hour and 30 minutes and costs around R$ 30.00.

Climate: High-altitude tropical climate, characteristic of mountainous regions with rain during December and March. Cold winters and temperate summers.
Temperature (average): Minimum 6°C (43°F) in July. The temperature can reach as low as 2°C (36°F).  Maximum: 28°C (82°F) in January.

What is important to know when coming to Ouro Preto?

  • In Ouro Preto, the time zone is the same as Brazil’s capital, Brasília’s: GMT -3h.
  • Brazil recently adopted a new three-pronged model for its outlets, similar to the Swiss model. You will need adaptors to use appliances here.
  • Some outlets are 110 watts and others are 220. Check before using.

To make an international call to the University Dean’s office, for example, you should enter: 00 55 31 35591189
  • To make international calls - 00
  • Brazil country code - 55
  • Area code of the City (DDD) - 31
  • Telephone number - 35591189

To make a regional call within Brazil:  0 XX 31 35591189
  • To make regional calls - 0
  • Phone company code to use as regional provider of the service - XX (some options are 41 for TIM or 31 for Oi)
  • Area code of the City (DDD) - 31
  • Telephone number - 35591189

To make a call from Brazil to another country: 00 YY ZZ XXXX- XXXX
  • To make international calls - 00
  • Country code - YY
  • Area code of the City - ZZ
  • Telephone number - XXXX- XXXX

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Lívia Pimenta

Curso: Engenharia de Minas
Universidade de Destino: Colorado School of Mines – Estados Unidos

Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Tel: +55 31 3559 1192

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